Biggest issue, by far, is that it mostly still plays like GTAIV. Or if I want to be really mean, GTA III. Rockstar have done a great job at making a big, (mostly) believable world, with some great characters and dialogue, but the actual gameplay has changed very little since the first 3D GTA. About the only innovation is the 3 main characters, and most times that really works and is a great addition. What else is new? Umm...let's see...
I'm not saying every single instalment of the GTA series should be a completely new experience, but, for me at least, this formula is getting old. I hope that for a next gen GTA, the Rockstar guys really think long and hard on what they want to do next, and build everything from the ground up.
For me, it's hard to understand how many people say "GTA IV was crap, but GTA V is great!" Like I said, the only big change is the 3 main characters, and the setting. That's it. The same issues I had with GTA IV are still in GTA V. Crappy shooting, boring driving, crappy mission structures (at least there's a decent checkpoint system), "random events" that are the same from previous games, and more. Right now I'd say GTA V is the better game, but it's not like it's an immensely huge improvement.
Since GTA IV, I've played Just Cause 2, Saint's Row the 3rd and Sleeping Dogs, and they all did things better than GTA IV and now GTA V. I have to agree with this Kotaku article about "the minimap game" and how the games I mentioned handle this much better. Actually, in general, I still prefer Sleeping Dogs, mostly because of the combat and how your character didn't move/feel so sluggish like in all of the GTA games. And c'mon, what is this "tap A/X to run" crap? That is PS2 level gameplay in 2013, I'm surprised so few people call the game out on outdated gameplay concepts like this.
Anyway, I know I'm complaining a lot, but it's because I care! Or something. I am enjoying myself, and it's impressive how much Rockstar squeezed out of ageing hardware, but I can't see this being my personal game of the year.
One of the fun things you can do is take pics in the game that automatically get uploaded on the Rockstar Social Club website. I'll share a few here:
My Franklin, modelled after Benjamin Sisko, posing in front of his crib.
This is how my Trevor looks (more or less based on a pic of his voice actor).
Glitch dog. Very disturbing as it was flopping all over itself. It untangled itself when his owner crossed the street though.
Paparazzi shot.
Franklin enjoying the great outdoors.
Michael taking a selfie with his favourite Republican Space Ranger.
Aghr, zombies!
"I can lengthen your penice"
Top GROSSing.
More to follow. Maybe.
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