Game of Thrones - season 1
Game of Thrones, man. What can I say about it? It's really one of the best things that's ever been on TV. Haven't read the books (yet - ordered the whole set!) but I find it hard to believe they're even more awesome than the series. And I've only seen season 1. Bought it on blu-ray, and it's great, well worth the money. The reason why I haven't seen season 2 yet is due to that, in part - it's not been on tv over here yet, and the blu-ray quality spoiled me, so I don't want to see it in shitty quality on my laptop.
Anyway, season 1 had quite a few awesome scenes - loved Viserys getting his golden crown for instance. I actually really enjoyed everything related to Daenerys and Khal Drogo - sad how it ended really. Sad how some great characters (nooo Boromir! hehe) are already out. On the whole, I think Arya and Tyrion are my favourite characters, obviously for very different reasons. And in a way, I even like Jaime "childpusher" Lannister hehe.
Oh and Varys The Eunuch is great as well. And Lord Baelish. Nice couple :)
Anyway, love the entire world and all the houses and everything. In a way it's sad I discovered this series relatively early - if they already released 5 or 6 seasons it would be fun to do a marathon viewing.
The Walking Dead - season 1 and 2
Talking about marathon viewings: it took me a week to see season 1 (which has 6 episodes). I watched season 2 in three days, and one day I saw 5 eps. So yeah, I rather liked it. It's not without its flaws, I felt like some things dragged on for way too long (like a certain someone being dangerously crazy), but I can't complain as the gruesome zombie death to stupid humans arguing ratio is fairly okay. It could always be better, but I won't complain too much. I must say I'm pretty indifferent to most of the characters, but I love Glenn (please don't tell me he'll die any time soon!) and Daryl (he's the Sawyer of this series hehe). Not going to spoil things, but Dale and Shane are pretty much yin and yang, so the end of season 2 makes sense in a way.
To be honest I am getting somewhat of a Lost feeling from this: there are a lot of unanswered questions, there are some similar characters, and everyone dies :)
Mad Men - season 1 - 4
Took me a looong time to get through this, and I still wonder why I saw four full seasons. Nothing ever happens! Well, there was the infamous lanwnmower incident in the season 3 episode "Guy walks into an advertising agency":
Yeah, that was frakking awesome. Hahaha they all got little bits of foot in their mouth hahahaha. You can just watch that gif over and over again.
Oh, and this is how I reviewed the series on twitter: "Don is a Dick (in more ways than one), Betty is a childish, spiteful bitch and Joan's tits are too big." I still stand by that; it's quite hard to find a likeable character in this show (maybe understandable considering it's about marketing people!). I liked Betty at first but after the first season she really became an annoying, selfish bitch, and she honestly doesn't seem to have a clue on how to raise children. Funny how she objects to Don's adventures, but she was already in the arms of another guy before divorcing Don. Hypocrite much? Saying all this, I obviously love her, I need someone to be annoyed with in a series or I get bored hehe.
Oh yeah, the only character I actually like is Kinsey - gotta love his beard in season 2 and 3. I might have a little mancrush on him just because of that beard really. Also, seeing his reaction above...that's not a very straight way to react is it? So I was pretty sad to not see him in season 4, which was pretty much the worst season I'd say.
Side note: I really love the early 60s setting and all the racism, sexism, etc. I think Republicans nowadays still have that same mindset. Carter Pewterschmidt from Family Guy would fit in this series as well hehe.
Spartacus: Blood and Vengeance (and Vengeance)
Have a bit of a weird history with this series - saw the first 4 or 5 episodes last year, but only saw the rest of the first season when it was on tv again. The second half is really so, SO good. The first half was really some random fights and shit, second half has lots of political intrigue and really even rivals that Rome series in sheer awesomeness. Also, Batiatus is one of the best characters ever. He's a slimey little worm but he grows on you. And the stuff that comes out of his mouth...oh boy. Made me laugh so much whenever he used foul language in a creative way. A small selection:
"By Jupiter's cock!"
"And what, I wonder, does good Solonius receive for convincing me to spread cheeks and accept deeper ramming?"
Anyway, I'm halfway through Vengeance (season 2) and it's just not the same without him. It's not completely boring (mostly thanks to
Okay, that's all I can think off for now.